Thursday, October 23, 2014

Love of Christ and Love of Each Other

Welcome to my blog! This is part of an assignment I'm doing for a Family Foundations class that I'm enrolled in. The purpose is to showcase what I'm learning in the course and the principles and doctrines I want to apply to my own family in the future. I plan on using my resources (my roommates and friends) as my sources of inspiration for my posts. 

For my first post I want to talk about what builds a good relationship.

Here at school, there are a lot of couples. People always seem to be getting in and out of new relationships, but the ones I see working are the ones centered around the gospel. When two people love Christ like they love each other, their relationship seems to gain blessings in every way. 

Carly and Taylor Kozak 

This lovely couple are two of my very good friends from my hometown. They are amazing examples of what it means to put your love of Christ first. They were sweethearts in high school when Taylor left on his mission to Temple Arizona. She waited patiently at home preparing for her own mission to Chile. Individually they spent time tending to their love of Christ. They dutifully fulfilled all of the plans that the Lord had for them as missionaries, and upon their reunion discovered that the love they had for each other didn't diminish with time, it was only strengthened through their devotion to Christ. They are now living their happily ever after together in Rexburg sharing their light with everyone around them.
When we are giving up our lives for the Lord, he won't deny us the blessings of eternal family and loving relationships. He wants that happiness for all of us, and when we give ourselves to him and to his plan he blesses us.  We can achieve this by doing the little things. When we are praying, reading our scriptures, going to the temple, and serving our fellow man, we are doing the things the Lord has planned for us. These things bring us joy and enhance our relationship with the Lord and Christ, which in turn enhance our relationships with each other. 

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