Saturday, March 28, 2015

The Savior's Suffering in Gethsemane

When we think of Jesus Christ and his sacrifice, the world recognizes his death on the cross. As a former Catholic I too only recognized his execution as the only sacrifice he made. It wasn't until I was 18 years old and in my first Sunday School class that I learned that Jesus Christ did something much more for us; something so painful that only someone who had an unmatched eternal brotherly love for the world would undergo. This sacrifice happened in the Garden of Gethsemane. The Savior bled from every pore and took on every sin, every pain, and every sorrow or disappointment that anyone in the world would ever receive. Do you remember those moments when you felt like you would break from the pain? Something so horrible, so traumatic, so heartbreaking, happened to you that you didn't know how you would get through the next few seconds? Well, everyone does. You are not alone in your sufferings. Jesus took on that pain, and every other pain that you ever had to endure. This was the ultimate sacrifice. Not many things could drive the Savior to his knees, but this did. He begged Heavenly Father to pass the bitter cup over to someone else, but agreed to continue if it was his will. His will was perfectly aligned with the Father's and because of this and his sacrifice, we are saved.

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