Saturday, February 7, 2015

Walking on Water

One of the most pinnacle moments of the Bible is when Jesus is walking on the water to his disciples. The apostles are frightened because they think that the Jesus Christ is a spirit. Christ speaks to them and lets them know not to be afraid because it is only him, but Peter tests him, by saying that if it's truly the Lord he should call out to him and allow him to walk on water to meet him in the ocean. The Savior agrees and Peter starts walking on the water towards him. Peter's faith her is pretty limited in the first place, but on top of the winds and the crazy waves he starts to doubt and get scared and begins to sink. Christ reaches out his hand and saves him and admonishes him to have  faith in him next time so that he doesn't sink. 
There is a lot that we can learn from Peter's experience with Christ. None of us are perfect beings and every day our faith falters. When things get scary out in the world that we live in many times our first response is to protect ourselves. I know that I struggle more than most in letting the Lord handle my problems. I, like Peter, can only see what's going on around me and get scared before I can trust and like Peter, I sink only to eventually be saved by Jesus Christ over and over again. This is something we all struggle with at one time or another. There will always be a storm that tries to scare us into sinking, but if we have faith, we can walk on water. 

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