Saturday, January 31, 2015

Teaching in Parables

What is a parable?
According to the Bible Dictionary the Greek word parable means "setting side by side" or a "comparison." When Jesus speaks in parables he is presenting divine truth by comparing it with material things. 
Why does Jesus teach us  in parables? 
Some of the most famous parables that Jesus taught his disciples were the parable off of tares, the parable of the mustard seed and leaven, the parable of the treasure and the pearl of great price, and the parable of the gospel net. 
1. The parable of tares and the parable of the gospel net explains why some people choose to leave the church. Jesus explains that the kingdom of heaven is like a field and the Lord sowed good seeds, but the devil sowed tares in the field as well and the Lord is allowing the tares and the wheat to grow together so that at the time of harvest he can collect the tares, burn them, and keep the wheat in his barn. The same with the net which is cast into the sea and gathers every kind, and when it is all gathered in the good stay in the vessel and the bad are cast out to sea. 
2. The parable of the mustard seed and leaven explains how the church is going to grow and why we send so many missionaries out. The kingdom of heaven, Jesus taught, is like a mustard seed that is tiny and miniscule but grows into a tree that provides herbs and shelter. Our church is that tiny seed that is growing and will eventually bless the whole world. The leaven is symbolic for our missionary work. The woman puts leaven (the missionaries) in three different measures of meal that have no leaven (no gospel) and that leavens the whole. (the world) 
3. The parable of the treasure and the pearl of great price explains why  our church has grown so considerably in the last few centuries and why people are willing to give up so much for our church. Jesus teaches that the kingdom of heaven is a treasure hidden in a field and when the man found it he hides it and buys the whole field. Our church grows so quickly that when someone discovers the truth they are so filled with joy that they let it in to their whole life and share it with everyone they can. The reason people are so willing to give up all they have is because the kingdom of heaven, like Jesus taught, is like a pearl of great price. It's a pearl that is more valuable than any money in the world and having it in your life is more of a blessing than any worldly thing has to offer. 
I know the sacrifices that I am willing to make for this church. Living with it in my life has brought life changing blessings that I can't bring into words. The faith I have in this Gospel and this Church is immeasurable. It is more than a treasure to me. 
Jesus teaches this way because using parables is a way to help people understand. Sometimes it's hard to take meaning from the pure teachings of this gospel, we know what they are, but through parables we can come to know what they mean. This helps us not only to teach, but to learn. 

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